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The language of mathematics
making the invisible visible Devlin, Keith J.    Indice: Preface. Prologue: What is mathematics? 1. Why numbers count 2. Patterns of the mind 3. Mathematics in motion 4. Mathematics gets into shape 5. The mathematics of... Anno: 2000
Devlin, Keith J.
The language of mathematics : making the invisible visible / Keith Devlin
New York : W.H. Freeman, c2000.
Man of numbers
Fibonacci's arithmetic revolution Devlin, Keith J.    Indice: Acknowledgments. 0. Your days are numbered 1. A bridge of numbers 2. A child of Pisa 3. A mathematical journey 4. Sources 5. Liber abbaci 6. Fame 7. The Fibonacci... Anno: 2011
Devlin, Keith J.
Man of numbers : Fibonacci's arithmetic revolution / Keith Devlin
New York : Walker, c2011.
Il matematico e il detective
come i numeri possono risolvere un caso poliziesco Devlin, Keith J.    Lorden, Gary    Faravelli, Elisa    Anno: 2008
Devlin, Keith J.
Il matematico e il detective : come i numeri possono risolvere un caso poliziesco / di Keith Devlin e Gary Lorden ; traduzione di Elisa Faravelli
Milano : Longanesi, c2008.
The unfinished game
Pascal, Fermat, and the seventeenth-century letter that made the world modern Devlin, Keith J.    Indice: Note to the reader. Preface. 1. Monday, August 24, 1654 2. A problem worthy of great minds 3. On the shoulders of a giant 4. A man of slight build 5. The great amateur... Anno: 2008
Devlin, Keith J.
The unfinished game : Pascal, Fermat, and the seventeenth-century letter that made the world modern / Keith Devlin
New York : Basic books, c2008.